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Call For Papers

INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION AND COMMUNICATION CONGRESS (IMCC 2018), Sakarya University, Culture and Congress Centre, September 27-28, 2018

Considering migration in conjunction with communication is a thought- provoking subject. The abrupt change in the migration dynamics of the world has complicated the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives on migration and communication. In this congress; discrepancies in the migration and communication approaches, research-policy dialogues, ethnical diversity and cultural perspectives, migration management and multinationality, cross-border circular migration and many other viewpoints will be discussed taking the recent developments regarding (im/e)migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees into account.

The migration wave led by the civil war and political instability in the Middle East has appeared as the severest humanitarian crisis since World War II. Millions of people experience communication problems in the context of different languages and cultures due to migration. In this regard, the translation/interpreting phenomenon rises to prominence, which is today an important element especially in the international communication. In this context, the developments in terms of translation and interpreting practices and the studies on translation and interpreting addressing these developments are also a primary concern of the present congress.

Recent debates identified with nationalist movements, ethnocentrism, racist and rhetorical discourses in the world have been transformed by mainstream reactions, political participation, ideological debates and new citizenship regulations. In this scientific and intellectual activity;  discrimination in the transnational perspective,  inequality between citizens and non-citizens, socio-economic challenges impacting the level of welfare and social cohesion, multi-scale applications in multilevel governance and various other dimensions of the issue will be examined to address the key issues in policy-based migrant research area.

In line with the aforementioned topics, IMCC 2018 will be an excellent platform to increase mutual understanding and exchange of views. This scientific activity will make it possible to reconsider and reformulate the East-West consensus and synthesis and the existing arguments and counter-arguments in the fields of migration and communication.

The detailed information about the congress, guidelines for papers, important dates, publication opportunities and issues regarding registration and submission of abstracts will be announced on the website of the congress. You can contact the organizing committee of the congress for your suggestions and requests.

Hope to see you in Sakarya,