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Yeni Öğe (english)

Participation Fees​

Participation Fee 400 TL (80 EUR)
Video (Over Youtube) & Poster Presentation 250 TL (50 EUR)
Second Presentation Fee is the half of the participation fee.

For each paper one registration is enough. Registrations of co-authors are 50 % discounted if they attend to the congress.


About Payment

Kongre Organizasyon Kuruluşu: Uniter Tercümanlık ve Turizm Hiz. Ltd. Şti.


The Account of Turkish Lira Payment

Garanti Bankası – Metro Mecidiyeköy Şb.

IBAN : TR91 0006 2000 7230 0006 2991 10


The Account of EURO Payment

Garanti Bankası – Metro Mecidiyeköy Şb.

IBAN: TR59 0006 2000 7230 0009 0868 84

Swift Code : TGBATRIS


1) Abstract is uploded to the system (registration form) by the author.
2) A reply is provided to the author with a reference number after successfully receiving the abstract.
3) Abstract is reviewed by refrees and then confirmation / refusal letter is provided to the author.
4) For accepted proceedings, Authors pay participation fee to the bank account with reference number.
5) An invitation letter is sent to the author.